Author Archives: jennya

Urgent Action Alert for Honduras

We are receiving alarming reports from partners in Honduras.  Emboldened by the United States endorsement of the November 29th “elections,” the state terror apparatus in Honduras has ramped up its grisly repression. 
There has been a spike in targeted murders and abductions following the November 29th “electoral event” which was massively boycotted by the people of Honduras. This escalation of human rights abuses is especially alarming because the judicial system is on holiday until January 2nd.  People are terrified and are leaving the country.

COFADEH Warns of New Escalation of Repression

According to Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of COFADEH, statements by dictator Micheletti accusing the resistance movement of committing the murder of 16 year old Rodríguez Cabrera are a portent of more blood, persecution and violence for the people of Honduras. 
On Wednesday, the de facto President stated that “assassins of the Resistance” murdered

CIPRODEH Denounces Assassination of Human Rights Defender

On December 4, 2009, human rights defender Walter Trochez, member of the gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans community and active member of the National Resistance Front was kidnapped and brutally beaten in front of the Obleisco Park of Comayaguela by four hooded men in a grey pick-up truck without plates.  Months before, Trochez had denounced that a vehicle matching this description was monitoring his home and he had changed residence as a result.
On Dec.

Honduran Resistance Movement Member Decapitated in Recent Wave of Repression

A member of the Resistance Front against the Coup was decapitated Friday night presumably by the police under orders of the de facto regime. According to Andres Pavon, President of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CODEH), this murder is part of a wave of repression by the de facto government against members of the Resistance Front.

Honduras: Reject Amnesty for Abuses During Coup

(Washington, DC) – The proposal by Porfirio Lobo, winner of Honduras’ disputed presidential election on November 29, 2009, for an "amnesty for all" of those involved in the June coup d’état violates the country’s international obligations and undermines the rule of law, Human Rights Watch said today.

Letter from President Zelaya to Presidents of Latin America

Presidente Zelaya sends letter to Latin American Presidents asking them to stand firm in the defense of democracy and not to recognize illegitimate elections, “Every time a legitimate, elected government is overthrown in America, violence and terrorism win a battle and Democracy suffers a defeat.”