Nicaragua Libre

Nicaragua Libre has been working since 1983 to build a policy of peace and friendship between the people of the United States and Nicaragua.

Today’s violence against peasant families – detained, wounded and deaths

According to preliminary reports from Honduras, the violent removal of 600 families organized in two farming cooperatives in the Aguan Valle has resulted in 40 people detained including children, 15 wounded and three deaths. There are unconfirmed reports of the rape of three women. Many have gone into hiding.

Radio Progreso, Equipo de Reflexión Investigación ERIC

COFADEH Urgent Alert: Police and military repress peasants in Trujillo and Tocoa

Jan 8, 2010 – A heavy contingent of military and police began to violently remove peasant families occupying land in Trujillo and Tocoa in the department of Colón. This marks an avalanche against this social movement on the part of a justice system that colludes with elite power groups and underscores the need to re-found the country according to Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of the Committee of Families of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH.

8th International Witness Delegation to Honduras – Report on "Elections"

Over the last five months, as we and other solidarity and indepedent media organizations have reported on the egregious human rights violations and other anti-democratic measures committed by the illegal coup regime, that regime has sought to legitimize itself through the execution of the national electoral process originally scheduled for November 29th. The 8th Quixote Center delegation was in Honduras for that event. 

Honduran Resistance Movement Member Decapitated in Recent Wave of Repression

A member of the Resistance Front against the Coup was decapitated Friday night presumably by the police under orders of the de facto regime. According to Andres Pavon, President of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CODEH), this murder is part of a wave of repression by the de facto government against members of the Resistance Front.

Honduras: Reject Amnesty for Abuses During Coup

(Washington, DC) – The proposal by Porfirio Lobo, winner of Honduras’ disputed presidential election on November 29, 2009, for an "amnesty for all" of those involved in the June coup d’état violates the country’s international obligations and undermines the rule of law, Human Rights Watch said today.

Hemispheric Social Alliance Statement on Climate Change

We demand effective commitments for fighting climate change

Between the 7th and 18th of December, 2009 during the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP15) in Copenhagen, world governments will attempt to make commitments for reducing carbon emissions and lay out policies for mitigating climate change. In the face of the urgency and the growing recognition of the dangerous consequences of this phenomenon, the whole world is awaiting the decisions that will be made.

Letter from President Zelaya to Presidents of Latin America

Presidente Zelaya sends letter to Latin American Presidents asking them to stand firm in the defense of democracy and not to recognize illegitimate elections, “Every time a legitimate, elected government is overthrown in America, violence and terrorism win a battle and Democracy suffers a defeat.”