Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Delegation Report, Nov. 28, 2009

We have just returned to our hotel. Today was a busy day. We met with the Canadian Ambassador to start the day. He presented us with an official position taken by the G16 (written paper), as well as the press release yesterday from Minister Peter Kent. The Ambassador indicated that Canada has not stated that they will recognize the elections on Sunday, but he did also not take a position that they would not recognize the elections. We appear to be sitting on the fence.

"I don't know how they are going to legitimate these elections…" –Bertha Oliva

29 November 2009

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS: The streets are empty, as are the polling places.  The majority of activity outside of the polling places is at the kiosks whose existence–replete with illegal election propagando, balloons, and cheerful and helpful citizens–is meant to encourage and motivate people to vote in the face of what is already a clearly successful people’s boycott of elections.

Farmers Block the Border

Hundreds of small farmers from the "Agrarian Platform" blocked the border between Guatemala and Honduras since yesterday in protest of the elections in Honduras which they consider to be illegal. The farmers blocked all transport from crossing the border, creating long lines of vehicles waiting to cross and resulting in economic losses.  The blockade was lifted today.

San Pedro Sula downtown militarized – crackdown continues

QC Delegation reports that the military crackdown in San Pedro Sula continues. The downtown area is totally militarized with groups of security forces armed with M-16’s are positioned on every corner for 10 square blocks. People on the street are grabbed and detained – tear gas canisters are thrown into the streets to disperse people. A helicopter if flying overhead. The full number of wounded and detained is not yet known.

Peaceful march in San Pedro Sula brutally repressed with water cannons and tear gas

San Pedro Sula, Honduras. 1:30pm.  A peaceful march of over 500 people was just culminating at the Central Park of San Pedro Sula when a large armored tank with high pressure water cannons mounted on the top pulled up at the rear of the march – along with a large truck full of military troops. The 500 peaceful, unarmed protesters turned around to face the tank and troops – and in unison, they sat down in the middle of the street. The truck retreated 2 blocks.  The soliders got off the truck , and began to put on gas masks.  Everything went silent – and suddenly the crowd was attacked with water cannons and gas.  People are fleeing. There are wounded and detained. The QC Delegation is fleeing the scene at this moment and will send reports.

Frente, COFADEH denounce ongoing climate of repression for the "electoral farce" in Honduras

"Even though they try to blame us for the violence, the violence is coming in one direction: from them, towards us." – Tomas Andino

  • Tanks and machine guns at STIBYS union headquarters
  • Red Comal raided and materials confiscated
  • Youth flee for their lives
  • Police launch bombs into communities
  • Journalist’s whereabouts unknown