Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Today’s violence against peasant families – detained, wounded and deaths

According to preliminary reports from Honduras, the violent removal of 600 families organized in two farming cooperatives in the Aguan Valle has resulted in 40 people detained including children, 15 wounded and three deaths. There are unconfirmed reports of the rape of three women. Many have gone into hiding.

Radio Progreso, Equipo de Reflexión Investigación ERIC

COFADEH Urgent Alert: Police and military repress peasants in Trujillo and Tocoa

Jan 8, 2010 – A heavy contingent of military and police began to violently remove peasant families occupying land in Trujillo and Tocoa in the department of Colón. This marks an avalanche against this social movement on the part of a justice system that colludes with elite power groups and underscores the need to re-found the country according to Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of the Committee of Families of Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH.

Message from teachers in Honduras

Since the disputed election at the end of November, repression of the resistance in Honduras has continued. A number of activists have been killed and others detained and beaten badly. Because of the role the teachers were playing in the resistance, the government shut the schools for holidays a month early, at the end of October instead of November. The government has tried to make up the month of missed classes by starting school a month early—as of today, January 4.

COFADEH Vigil on New Years Day – Warnings of Death Squads and Dirty War

From Military Coup de tat, to illegitimate government of force – Entering the year 2010
This week’s kidnapping, disappearance, torture and interrogation of journalist Cesar Omar Silva by a street patrol with military training confirms the existence of a pattern of systematic violations of human rights committed by the same structure that violated the constitutional order on June 28, 2009.
This pattern is the responsibility of the “hard hand” of the coup regime that imposes state violence on a citize

8th International Witness Delegation to Honduras – Report on "Elections"

Over the last five months, as we and other solidarity and indepedent media organizations have reported on the egregious human rights violations and other anti-democratic measures committed by the illegal coup regime, that regime has sought to legitimize itself through the execution of the national electoral process originally scheduled for November 29th. The 8th Quixote Center delegation was in Honduras for that event. 

Urgent Action Alert for Honduras

We are receiving alarming reports from partners in Honduras.  Emboldened by the United States endorsement of the November 29th “elections,” the state terror apparatus in Honduras has ramped up its grisly repression. 
There has been a spike in targeted murders and abductions following the November 29th “electoral event” which was massively boycotted by the people of Honduras. This escalation of human rights abuses is especially alarming because the judicial system is on holiday until January 2nd.  People are terrified and are leaving the country.

COFADEH Warns of New Escalation of Repression

According to Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of COFADEH, statements by dictator Micheletti accusing the resistance movement of committing the murder of 16 year old Rodríguez Cabrera are a portent of more blood, persecution and violence for the people of Honduras. 
On Wednesday, the de facto President stated that “assassins of the Resistance” murdered