Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Honduras Update: Police and Military pursue citizens in the street and seriously injure a woman with police vehicle

The Honduran Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared just released this statement that following the violent eviction of teachers from the National Teacher’s Pension Institute (Inprema) police and military are pursuing protesters in the street with tear gas and a tank with some kind of orange coloured chemical, which they believe has two functions: to overwhelm protesters with the toxins in the gas and to identify them with the orange colour so that they can be apprehended even after running away.

Honduras Accompaniment Project Update: Police repress protesters across the country

As this is being written, at 11:00 AM on March 18, 2011, police and military are violently evicting teachers from the National Teacher’s Pension Institute (INPREMA), which they have been occupying for two weeks protesting the new General Education Law, which teacher’s associations believe to be a legal mechanism to move towards the privatization of all levels of education in Honduras, and demanding the government pay a debt of approximately 1,500 million lempiras (approx. 80 million USD) which it owes the pension fund.

International Mission Finds Human Rights Violations in Aguan Valley, Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Mar 5, 2011. (Prensa Latina) A total of 19 Honduran peasants were
killed in Bajo Aguan from Jan 2010 until today and all the crimes
remain unpunished, according to an International Mission that visited the area.

During the investigation that conducted between Feb 25 and Mar
4, 2011 the International Mission found numerous violations of human rights.

The leaders and members of peasant organizations have been threatened