Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

International Commission of Truth Commissioners arrive in Honduras

Tegucigalpa. The Commissioners of the Commission of Truth (Comisión de Verdad – CDV – in Spanish) have arrived in Honduras to accompany the information collecting work of in-country staff, hold bilateral meetingsinternational institutions, and meet with the Supreme Court of Honduras in order to better understand their versions of events in Honduras since the Coup d’État on June 28, 2009.

Open Letter in Support of the Commission of Truth signed by 127 organizations

In March and April, the Commission of Truth is sending mobile teams throughout the county to collect new testimony and update over 2000 cases already documented by human rights organizations.  The Honduras Accompaniment Project is coordinating international accompaniment for the Commission mobile teams and offices in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.

1980s World Court suit against US may be refiled

President Daniel Ortega stated on March 10 that Nicaragua reserves the right to reopen its 1980s lawsuit against the United States before the International Court of Justice at The Hague (World Court). The US did not recognize and never complied with the Court’s 1986 ruling that it was illegal for the US to mine the harbor at the Port of Corinto and to prosecute the Contra War to overthrow the Sandinista Revolution. The World Court ordered the US to pay reparations, estimated at that time to be US$17 billion. Ortega said that in today’s dollars that would be US$58 billion.

Honduras Update, March 18th 2:00PM: One teacher has died in hospital in Tegucigalpa as a result of injuries following police repression

Ilse Ivania Velázquez Rodriquez, a teacher who was allegedly hit in the head with a projectile tear gas canister fired by police then struck by a vehicle, has died in Hospital Escuela in Tegucigalpa as a result of her injuries. Ilse Ivania was peacefully participating in a protest including representatives of teachers unions, parents of school-aged children, primary, secondary and post-secondary students, popular organizations and members of the National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP).