Tag: News Flashes

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Union Leader murdered in Honduras

On February 3, Vanessa Zepeda, a 29 year old nurse and SITRAIHASS union leader (Honduran Social Security Institute) left her home at 2pm. At approximately 6:30 pm, her lifeless body was dumped out of a vehicle in Loarque, a neighborhood well known for resistance movement activities.  Vanessa had received repeated death threats linked to her activism in the resistance movement which had been registered by human rights organizations. She was the mother of three children; the youngest is 4 months old.

Unified Peasant Movement Alert: More are captured

January 13, 2010 – At 1:30pm, a military and police patrol captured three members of the Unified Peasant Movement of Aguan along the Aguan river. The men are members of the Buenos Amigos Cooperative in the municipality of Trujillo. According to farmers in the zone, there are approximately 1000 armed men, military and paramilitary, under the command of Coronel Dagoberto Melgar occupying the area. He is suspected of selling protection services to large African palm plantation owners in the region.

Movimiento Unificado Campesino del Aguan

Farmers Block the Border

Hundreds of small farmers from the "Agrarian Platform" blocked the border between Guatemala and Honduras since yesterday in protest of the elections in Honduras which they consider to be illegal. The farmers blocked all transport from crossing the border, creating long lines of vehicles waiting to cross and resulting in economic losses.  The blockade was lifted today.