Tag: News Flashes

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Combating climate change: lessons from the world’s indigenous peoples

Bolivia’s president says developing nations must not be shut out of international negotiations for combating the greatest environmental issue of our time.
April 23, 2010|Evo Morales Opinion published in the LA Times 
When I arrived at the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen in late last year, the first thing that struck me were environmental activists braving the freezing weather to voice their disappointment at being locked

Honduran Resistance begins Referendum to convene a Constituent Assembly

Thousands of Hondurans were mobilized throughout the country to start the process of collecting signatures, which will end on June 28, the first anniversary of the military coup. The aim is to show the current government and the powers who staged the coup, that the people demand the reestablishment of Honduras through a new constitution. After the mobilization, they denounced the kidnapping of a well-known activist of the Resistance.

Letter of the Assembly of Social Movements at the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth

 21 april 2010Movements, networks and social organizations gathered at the Assembly of Social Movements held in Cochabamba, in the framework of the World People's Conference on Climate Change, welcome the initiative of President Evo Morales Ayma and respond to the global call to confront the commodification and privatization of common goods and the climate change debate itself.We consider that the issue of climate change is important along with other manifestations of the global systemic crisis.

Climate Change Summit Underway in Bolivia

By Redaction AHORA / redaccion@ahora.cu / Wednesday, 21 April 2010 07:45

The Summit on Climate Change currently underway in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba is a ray of light and hope for those concerned with the environmental situation on the planet. It is also an alternative to the meeting that took place in Copenhagen, where rich countries conspired to come up with an agreement that exempts them of any responsibility regarding the climate world situation.

QC staff in Cochabamba

Quixote Center staff are participating in the "World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth" in Cochabamba Bolivia this week.  The Conference is a response to the derailment of climate change negotiations by the industrialized countries in Copenhagen in December, 2009, placing the future of our planet at risk.