Friday April 23, 2010, by Communicación Univalle
After three days of hard work divided into panels, recreational activities, and workshops, the official closing of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth took place on Thursday April 22. The event was held at the Felix Capriles stadium which seemed small given the massive presence of citizens from 120 countries.
President Morales did not hesitate to show his happiness to see a full house in the Cochabamba sports center. This event was attended by representatives of the United Nations, as well as the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez and official delegates from 47 countries. The act began with the reading of a summary of conclusions of the workshops.
Four representatives from different continents were chosen to convey these points, they stressed that you should create a bill of rights for mother earth, which must be respected and must maintain their identity. In turn, everyone in the world has a right to water and clean air. Similarly, it was mandated that by 2020 there should be an overall reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases by 50%. Likewise, the Conference determined that what was agreed to at the Copenhagen Climate Summit must be categorically rejected and should give way to the creation of a Climate Tribunal for crimes against the environment. In order to achieve that, the first global environmental referendum must be organized.
The working group that focused on the Climate Change Referendum developed the five questions below:
1 .- Do you agree to change the capitalist model of overproduction and overconsumption and to restore harmony with nature, recognizing and respecting the rights of Mother Earth?
2 .- Do you agree that countries and transnational corporations should reduce and reabsorb their production of greenhouse gases in proportion to their historical responsibilities for emissions in order to slow global warming?
3.- Do you agree to transfer all that is spent on wars and for allocating a higher budget in defense of Mother Earth?
4 .- Do you agree that our countries should be transformed into areas of peace, free of occupation by foreign troops and military bases?
5.- Do you agree with a Climate Justice Tribunal to try those who destroy Mother Earth?
The only head of state present at the closing, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez said in his speech: "The climate crisis is much more than a crisis of climate, it is a systemic crisis, it is a crisis of the entire system of the capital model, it is deeper than capitalism … "there is a crisis of ideas, but we will make it out of this crisis alive!" Finally the host president Evo Morales said: "Unlike Copenhagen, here we discussed causes not outcomes" and he also warned that if the UN does not want to lose its authority, it should implement the conclusions of this event.
The closure of the CMPCC ended at 19:00 hrs. with the words of President Morales "Planet or death, pachamama or death" The final agreement of the meeting on climate change will be brought to the Climate Summit in Mexico. (translated by Alan Forsberg)