Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Delegation FAQ

What kinds of things will we be doing on the delegation? Delegation activities will be decided on a daily basis, based largely on the on-the-ground situation and the requests from our Honduran partners. Activities may include:

  • Visiting the non-governmental human rights office
  • Accompanying lawyers and human rights promoters to detention facilities and hospitals to verify the whereabouts and condition of detainees

Preparation Manual for Solidarity and Accompaniment Delegations in Post-Coup Honduras

A Solidarity and Accompaniment Delegation to Honduras with the Quixote Center is for people who are willing to have their lives touched and forever changed. The primary reasons for considering a Quixote Center delegation to Honduras in the context of the current political tension is to answer the call from the Honduran people for international presence. The Honduran people are waging a historic and persistent nonviolent struggle against military and economic hegemony.