Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

“We want to live in Peace… DO NOT continue trying to destabilize Honduras” …President Xiomara Castro, speech to the United Nations

“Not only am I the first woman to have the honor of leading our Central American nation, but I also represent the first democratically elected government after going through 13 years of dictatorship, the 2009 coup d’état, full of cruel assassinations and death squads, two separate electoral frauds, a pandemic and two hurricanes.  It is

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Joint effort between Nicaragua and the U.S. to study effectiveness of Covid vaccine

This month, The New England Journal of Medicine, published an important correspondence titled, Protection Associated with Previous SARS-CoV-2. (8/11/22, Vol. 387, No. 6, pp. 568-570)  The research was a collaboration between the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health, the University of Michigan and the University of California, Berkley to find out how effective Covid vaccine was in

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Women in Nicaragua: Power and Protagonism – Join a Delegation

ALLIANCE FOR GLOBAL JUSTICE & CASA BENJAMIN LINDER DELEGATION: WOMEN IN NICARAGUA: POWER & PROTAGONISM Where: Managua, Carazo, Matagalpa & Estelí, Nicaragua When: 6 – 15 August 2022 (Arrive in-country no later than 6th Aug, leave 15th Aug) Cost: $75 per person/per day all-inclusive 9-day brigade. Total cost: $675 per person* To apply: Write to Application deadline: 25 June 2022 Description: Nicaragua

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New Book by Dr. James Phillips on Honduras documents devastating impact of the “colonial extractive relationship of Honduras to the United States”

In a new book, Extracting Honduras: Exploiting Resources and Forcing People to Flee, Dr. James Phillips documents the devastating “colonial (or imperial) extractive relationship of Honduras to the United States.”   The book has just been published by Lexington Books… With a focus on Honduras, this book explores the deeper causes of the massive emigration of

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