Author Archives: jennya

Cochabamba and the UN Process

I want to begin reminding that the impacts of Climate change we are living today are not a punishment that falls from heaven.  Those have their historical responsibles: those who took our resoucers, our rights and our richness and now have the duty to honor their Debt in order to allow humanity to live with dignity and without the permanent threaten to their lives. That is challenge that has to be faced in this Intersessional Meetings of the UNFCC in Bonn.

Accompanying Padre Melo – May, 2010

The Quixote Center is coordinating accompaniment for Padre Melo in the aftermath of a series of death threats last month.  Lucy Edwards and Pam Shepherd of Ashland, OR are the team on the ground right now.  Lucy is sending daily reports which you can read here:

May 18, 2010 We arrived this morning and were greeted at the airport by Don Jose who was holding a sign with my name on it. I have always wanted to be met at the airport like that! (lu grins)  He had one for Pam, too.

COFADEH Alert: Armed Men Break into Union Center in San Pedro Sula Wouding One Person

 The Committee of the Families of the Disapeared Detainees in Honduras, COFADEH, urgently alert the national and international community of the serious events which occurred this afternoon against the Union of Workers in the Beverage Industry (STYBS).
1.  COFADEH received the report of this at 4:30 pm, Tuesday, May 25, 2010: armed men dressed in white shirts, with black pants and caps violently entered STIBYS, and immediately fired on Douglas Gomez who is now in surgery at the Social Security Hospital in San Ped

Urgent Action: Carlos H Reyes receives death threats

On May 20th at 6:00pm Carlos H Reyes, leader of the Honduran Resistance Movement and former Independent Presidential candidate, received a series of death threat on his cell phone. He was able verify that the call came from a land telephone in Tegucigalpa. The number was 226-9965. 
The caller issued the following threat in a gruff voice: "We are going to take your head off (expletive), you have a very few days left to live." 

Honduran Resistance begins Referendum to convene a Constituent Assembly

Thousands of Hondurans were mobilized throughout the country to start the process of collecting signatures, which will end on June 28, the first anniversary of the military coup. The aim is to show the current government and the powers who staged the coup, that the people demand the reestablishment of Honduras through a new constitution. After the mobilization, they denounced the kidnapping of a well-known activist of the Resistance.

COFADEH – Urgent Letter to U.N. High Commissioner on crisis in the Aguan

We have received reports that, after a 12 hour negotiation session, the Unified Peasant Movement of the Aguán (MUCA) has signed a preliminary agreement with the Government of Honduras regarding the conflict in the region. The agreement is scheduled to be ratified on Saturday in Tocoa, Colón after the peasant population has had an opportunity to review the terms.


The Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared of Honduras, COFADEH, sends an urgent message to the national and international community to express our deep concern regarding the official government communication issued via national TV stations, in an intimidating tone similar to that used by official radio and TV broadcasters following the June 2009 political, military coup.

U.S. critized for interfering in Nicaragua's internal affairs

Former Nicaraguan guerrilla leader Eden Pastora criticized the announced arrival this week of Ambassador Crescencio Arcos, former U.S. Ambassador to Honduras during the 1980’s, now serving as international advisor to the Obama Administration. Pastora denounced Arcos’ intent to unite the liberals in order to mount a unified opposition in the 2011 general elections. “It would not be the first time that high level functionaries of the U.S.

Bolivia calls for Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights

In response to the derailment of Climate Change talks in Copenhagen, Bolivia has called for a Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights. In April, Quixote Center staff will attend the Conference in Cochabamba which will generate proposals for the next round of negotiations in Mexico. Visit our website for reports from the conference.