Author Archives: jennya

30 Members of Congress urge U.S. Government to suspend police and military aid to Honduras

Washington, DC – Congressman Sam Farr (D-CA), joined by 29 other Members of Congress, sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today calling on the Obama Administration to suspend aid—particularly military and police assistance—to the government of Honduras, while murders of political activists and media workers and other attacks in that country continue with near

Human Rights Violations will be analyzed within the socio-economic and political context of the coup d’état: Commission of Truth

Red Morazánica de Información

Tegucigalpa, November 5, 2010.  Violations of human rights will be studied within the social, economic and political context of the coup de’tat, in order to be presented Honduran society explained Elsie Monge, President of the Honduran Commission of Truth, an initiative of the Human Rights Platform.

Commission of Truth launches website

The Commission of Truth launched its website today in a press conference with the Commissioners who have been in the country since Saturday for a series of work sessions,  meetings with victims of human rights abuses in different parts of the country, and other national and international actors and organizations.  They have held regular press conferences to communicate their plans, progress and concerns.  For more information visit : Commission of Truth :

Accompaniment Delegation Report from Honduras

How to summarize such a rich, broad deep experience?
Rather than focusing on the legal and economic struggle that were both used and abused as a rationale for the coup, let’s meet some of the very diverse individuals that were involved in the myriad of organizations and coalitions that were part of the Frente – National Front for Popular Resistance (NFRP).
The Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared (COFADEH) was founded in 1980 reached out to youth in 20

Accompanying Radio Progreso and ERIC – Progreso, Honduras

It is early on Friday morning. I’m hoping I can post something while I’m at the radio this morning. I won’t have a chance again until Monday, since this afternoon I leave for El Aguan for a weekend of workshops on political formation with a team from ERIC (Team for Reflection, Research and Communication). Aguan has been involved in a protracted land struggle so it should be an interesting trip. It is inspiring to meet people who are committed and savvy and giving their all to defend their rights.