Tag: Human Rights

Honduran Armed Forces order mayors to provide lists of community leaders opposed to the coup regime

On October 22, 2009, the Armed Forces of Honduras, First Battalion of Communications issued a letter to all of the Mayors in the country requiring their offices to compile a list of names and telephone numbers of members of the municipality who are “part of the resistance.” The letters ask for the list to be compiled as soon as possible because the Army will be following up on the request with a visit to each municipality “very soon in order to strengthen our democratic system.”

Quixote Center Delegation to Conduct Human Rights Accompaniment and Observation in Lead Up and during Honduras’ Elections

20 Representatives of Faith-Based, Labor, and Human Rights Groups Available for Interviews from Honduras,
November 25- December 1st
 Hyattsville, MD – A delegation of 20 representatives of faith-based, labor, and human rights organizations will travel to Honduras on November 25, 2009, to conduct human rights accompaniment and observation in the lead-up to the country’s controversial elections on November 29.

Operación Siléncio in Honduras: the Protracted Violence of the Coup

It’s become clear to me while spending time with Bertha Oliva of COFADEH (Committee of Family Members of the Disappeared in Honduras) that the situation in Honduras is worsening, and that the military is gearing up for a long-term dirty war against the people.  She called it "Operación Siléncio." 


“Statistics and Faces of the Repression”
Violations of Human Rights in the context of the coup d’état in Honduras.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras – October 22, 2009

I am a veteran human rights defender. As I prepared the second human rights report since the coup in Honduras, in the context of the coup d’état ,” I have felt profound distress. Perhaps because I had begun to think that during the long process of the last decades, we had made some small advances in the area of human rights.

Delegation FAQ

What kinds of things will we be doing on the delegation? Delegation activities will be decided on a daily basis, based largely on the on-the-ground situation and the requests from our Honduran partners. Activities may include:

  • Visiting the non-governmental human rights office
  • Accompanying lawyers and human rights promoters to detention facilities and hospitals to verify the whereabouts and condition of detainees

Preparation Manual for Solidarity and Accompaniment Delegations in Post-Coup Honduras

A Solidarity and Accompaniment Delegation to Honduras with the Quixote Center is for people who are willing to have their lives touched and forever changed. The primary reasons for considering a Quixote Center delegation to Honduras in the context of the current political tension is to answer the call from the Honduran people for international presence. The Honduran people are waging a historic and persistent nonviolent struggle against military and economic hegemony.