Tag: Human Rights

Nobel Peace Laureates call for concerted action to protect frontlines human rights defenders

An independent fact-finding mission of women Nobel Peace Laureates visiting the "northern triangle – Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras" declared that “violence against women—including murder, rape and forced disappearances—has reached a crisis point in the region.”  They called for “concerted and immediate action to protect women—including those women doing frontline human rights work.”  They link this crisis to militarization and U.S.

Resistencia documentary: Help make it happen!

From www.resistenciathefilm.com – go to the site to watch the trailer and participate in the fundraising campaign! (And to see more of Jesse Freeston’s video journalism, go to TheRealNews.com.)


When a military coup ousted the only president that ever supported them, they occupied the plantations…and these farmers aren’t going anywhere.