Tag: Human Rights

November Delegation to Honduras – Friendship Office and Witness for Peace

COFADEH URGENT ACTION: Detainees at risk. Incomunicado/in custody of subordinates of el Tigre Bonilla

COFADEH Committee of the Relatives of the Detained Disappeared in Honduras PERSONAL SAFETY OF DETAINEES AT RISK: CAMPESINOS ARRESTED AFTER PROTEST VIOLENTLY CRUSHED ARE BEING HELD INCOMMUNICADO BY TIGRE BONILLA´S SUBORDINATES The physical safety of Aguan campesinos, arrested when their protest was violently crushed, is under at risk.  They are being held incommunicado in Metropolitan

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Open Letter to Diplomatic Corps in response to death threats recieved by the Honduras Accompaniment Project

On June 22,  Accompaniment Organizations working in Central America sent an "Open Letter to the distinguished members of the international diplomatic corps and international organizations with a presence in or focus on Honduras" outlining concerns about threats received by international accompaniers of PROAH and the recent increase in attacks on human rights defenders in Honduras.  See letter attached.

17 Members of Congress express concern for human rights defenders and PROAH

In a letter sent yesterday to President Lobo, 17 members of the United States Congress expressed concern regarding the escalation of violence targeting human rights defenders and international human rights accompaniment efforts in Honduras in recent months. The representatives requested an exhaustive investigation into recent death threats issued to human rights defenders, journalists and PROAH accompaniers by C.A.M.