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The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) asks the EU for strong measures

The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) today asked that the European Union “act in a consistent way” against the coup in Honduras and asked that the Foreign Ministers of Twenty Six countries to not recognize the electoral process underway. FIDH, in an open letter to the EU “again invited that the EU expel all of the members of the diplomatic corps of Honduras who have aided the coup d’état and that they establish migratory restrictions for any officials or business people who have aided the de facto government” of Roberto Micheletti.

Latest news from the State Department and Secretary General Insulza

Micheletti told the OAS mission yesterday that there will be elections in November unless you invade us. He also said that “you don’t know all of the truth and you don’t want to know it.” As the negotiations began, riot police attacked a group of people who were marching from the U.S. to the Guatemalan Embassy.The Spokesperson for the State Department Philip Crowley said that “time is running out” to resolve the Central American crisis and the time to sign an agreement “is now”. He said that the message of the U.S.

Foreign Minister of Honduras Patricia Rodas comments on the Return of Zelaya to Honduras

Patricia Rodas said in an interview yesterday that the presence of Zelaya in Honduran territory has untangled the situation in Honduras.If President Zelaya weren’t in Honduras, the regime would never have received another OAS mission in the country.If President Zelaya weren’t in Honduras, the regime would not be looking for resolution; they are now acknowledging the profound errors which have taken them one hundred days to admit.I think this initiative is moving forward because Zelaya is inside the countryRead More