Summary of Central Points from the People's Climate Change Summit

The World People’s Climate Change Summit Agreement

Summary of Central Points May 2010

Foreign Ministry of the Plurinational State of Bolivia

1.       The shared vision is to stabilize concentrations of greenhouse gases. Based on the principal of common but differentiated historic responsibilities we demand that developed countries commit to measurable goals to reduce emissions that will permit the return of concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to 300ppm, thereby limiting the average global increase in temperature to a maximum level of 1 degree Celsius. This should include an integral and balanced combination of measures to address issues including; financing, technology, adaptation, development of capacitates, production and consumption patterns and the recognition of the rights of Mother Earth in order to reestablish harmony with nature.
2.       In an interdependent system in which human beings are just one component, it is not possible to exclusively recognize the rights of humans without provoking disequilibrium in the entire system. In order to guarantee human rights and reestablish harmony with nature, it is necessary to recognize and effectively apply the rights of Mother Earth.
3.       Developed countries which are primarily responsible for climate change, should assume their historic and present day responsibilities and acknowledge and honor their climate debt in all of its dimensions as a basis for a just, effective and scientific solution to climate change.
4.       We absolutely reject the illegitimate “Copenhagen Agreement” that enables developed countries to offer insufficient reductions of greenhouse gases based on voluntary, individual promises and violates the environmental integrity of Mother Earth and will lead to a temperature increase of 4 degrees Celsius. 
5.       The next Climate Change Conference to be held at the end of the year in Mexico should approve the amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for the second period of commitments from 2013-2017 in which developed countries should commit to significant domestic reductions of at least 50% of 1990 levels without including carbon markets and other systems that deviate and hide lack of compliance with real reductions of green house gas emissions.
6.       We reject Free Trade Treaties, Agreements of Association and all forms of applying Intellectual Property Rights to life forms. We reject current technological packages (agrochemicals, genetically modified plants) and those offered as false solutions (biofuels, geo- engineering, nanotechnology, terminator technology and others) which only deepen the existing crisis.
7.       We demand the right of all peoples, living beings and the Mother Earth to have access to and enjoy water. We support the proposal of the government of Bolivia to recognize water as a fundamental Human Right.
8.       The U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples should be fully recognized, implemented and integrated into climate change negotiations.
9.       Developed countries should assume responsibility for climate migrants, receiving them in their territories and recognizing their fundamental rights by signing international conventions that contain a definition of climate migrants shared by all States.
10.   We demand the creation of an International Climate and Environmental Justice Tribunal with the necessary judicial capacity to prevent, judge and sanction States, Companies and individuals who by action or omission, contaminate and provoke climate change.
11.   A World Referendum process, plebiscite or popular consultation will be the fruit of a preparatory process to guarantee the successful development of the International Climate and Environmental Justice Tribunal.
12.   We issue a call to build a World Movement of the Peoples for Mother Earth based on the principals of complementarity and respect for the diversity of origin and visions of its participants, in order to create a broad and democratic space of coordination and linkage of actions world- wide.
In addition to the People’s Agreement, there is the World-wide Action Plan and the Proposal for the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.
The President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Evo Morales, accompanied by an intercontinental mission, will share the conclusions from the First World Conference on Climate Change with the United Nations in New York on May 7, 2010 and on May 18, at the EU meetings in Madrid, Spain.