Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Latest news from the State Department and Secretary General Insulza

Micheletti told the OAS mission yesterday that there will be elections in November unless you invade us. He also said that “you don’t know all of the truth and you don’t want to know it.” As the negotiations began, riot police attacked a group of people who were marching from the U.S. to the Guatemalan Embassy.The Spokesperson for the State Department Philip Crowley said that “time is running out” to resolve the Central American crisis and the time to sign an agreement “is now”. He said that the message of the U.S.

Foreign Minister of Honduras Patricia Rodas comments on the Return of Zelaya to Honduras

Patricia Rodas said in an interview yesterday that the presence of Zelaya in Honduran territory has untangled the situation in Honduras.If President Zelaya weren’t in Honduras, the regime would never have received another OAS mission in the country.If President Zelaya weren’t in Honduras, the regime would not be looking for resolution; they are now acknowledging the profound errors which have taken them one hundred days to admit.I think this initiative is moving forward because Zelaya is inside the countryRead More

Quixote Center's Report from the 7th International Witness Delegation to Honduras — Week of Zelaya's Return

The Quixote Center sponsored 7th International Witness Delegation to Honduras has just issued its final report detailing coup sponsored repression and terror in response to President Zelayas return to the country on September 21, 2009.  The report also calls on the U.S. government to fully support the immediate and unconditional return of President Zelaya to office.

Marches will continue today

The Resistance Front against the coup in Honduras agreed yesterday to continue the protests against the coup regime, ignoring the governmental decree which restricts individual guarantees. About 300 people who were in the assembly reaffirmed their commitment to continuing the manifestations which they have been carrying out since June 28th, when the coup d’état ousted President Manuel Zelaya.