Author Archives: admin

"End the Coup" and "Close the SOA" crosses strapped to signs in heavily-trafficked areas

A group of individuals in Washington DC got together and posted approximately 100 crosses which bore the words "End the Coup" and "Close the SOA" in heavily trafficked urban areas, mostly near metro stops.  Several crosses stayed up for a full week before they were taken down. 

They used zip ties to quickly strap these home-made and hand-painted crosses into place.

Protest against paid DC backers of Honduras coup Monday Oct 19


A protest in front of the DC-based lobbying firm that has been hired by the Honduran coup regime.


On June 28 the democratically elected President of Honduras Mr Manuel Zelaya was kidnapped and exiled at gunpoint. Swiftly after, a coup regime led by Mr Roberto Micheletti, illegally grabbed power. Since that time there have been hundreds of human rights violations at the hands of the military and police (under the orders of Mr Micheletti).

Honduran army begins assault on poor communities

Cobra Batallions of the Honduran army have violently assaulted homes in the poor commuities of Altos del Viera, Manchén y los Barrios El Bosque, Hato, Suyapa, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Colonia Kennedy, Bendeck, Travesía y Residencial Morazán, Colonia Divanna, Altos de la Divanna, Pedregal, Centroamérica, Altos de los Milagros.  Cobra units have fired bullets, tear gas canisters and pepper spray into homes where children, pregnant women and elderly are at particular risk.