Weather Reports from Gros Morne

 Haiti has had too much rain – or rather too much rain given the prevailing conditions of catastrophic erosion and deforestation. Much of Haiti is under mud or under water. The area surrounding Gros Morne, home of the reforestation and agro-forestry program we support, is no exception. Each day of rain means another inch of land washed into a ravine or river and brings the houses that much closer to the edge. On the north side of town 6 houses were lost last year in heavy rains – the remaining houses creep a little closer each day. In nearby Fon Ibo the latrines at the Jesus and Mary School collapsed – fortunately before the school day had begun. People struggle daily to put rocks in the road, but the rain keeps coming and with it the mud. Dameus Rodner, the mayor of Gros Morne, has made and is making efforts to fix the town streets and national highway, but the rain keeps creating bigger ruts. About a week and a half ago, a piece of the national highway in Grepin (just north of town) fell into the river stopping the traffic to and from Port de Paix. Local mayors have the Ministry of Public Works with bulldozers working up here and the highway is reopened but it keeps raining!In the picture, flood waters rise on the north side of Gros Morne in the Mancelle River read more