Tag: News Flashes

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Nicaragua denies assertions made by Honduran Defense Minister

Vice President of Nicaragua, Jaime Morales Carazo and  National Assembly President Rene Núñez, dismissed statements from Tegucigalpa that Nicaragua is training irregular troops to enter Honduras. Núñez said that assertions by Honduran Defense Minister are false and without proof. Morales stated that the border is a pourous transit point with few controls for illegal trafficking of lumber, cattle and people.

Commission of Truth launches website

The Commission of Truth launched its website today in a press conference with the Commissioners who have been in the country since Saturday for a series of work sessions,  meetings with victims of human rights abuses in different parts of the country, and other national and international actors and organizations.  They have held regular press conferences to communicate their plans, progress and concerns.  For more information visit : Commission of Truth : http://comisiondeverdadhonduras.org/

Just released letter to Clinton from 27 Congresspeople

Hot off the presses, there’s a new letter just out to Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on human rights violations in Honduras. It comes from 27 US congressmen who, contrary to the Secretary’s statements in Lima earlier this month, maintain that "political violence continues to wrack Honduras" one year after the June 28, 2009 coup. According to the legislators, they write to:

Clinton Urges OAS to Forget Coup, Readmit Honduras

Story From Upsidedown World by Rosemary A. Joyce and Russell N. Septak

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking at the Organization of American States (OAS) annual meeting in Lima, Peru on Monday urged countries in the hemisphere to readmit Honduras into the regional organization. The OAS suspended Honduras after the military coup which overthrew President Manuel Zelaya last June.

Bolivian President Evo Morales to Deliver Results of People’s Conference on Climate Change to UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon


CONTACT: MEGAN MORRISSEY – 202-365-6900  INGRID SABJA – 973-738-2301

New York – On Friday, May 7th, President Evo Morales of Bolivia will personally present UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon with the conclusions of the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of the Mother Earth, which was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia from April 20th to 22nd, 2010.

USAID Cooperation could be suspended

Today, U.S. Ambassador in Nicaragua, Robert Callahan asked the government of Nicaragua to provide an accounting of aid received from Venezuela and how it is spent. He warned that the United States may suspend aid over this issue

…Speaking to the press, the diplomat stated that in addition to the Waiver related to property issues, there is another Waiver required to receive aid that is related to budget transparency based on a law approved by the U.S. Congress, although he did not specify the law he referred to…