Today we remember Berta Caceres who was murdered five years ago after an arduous struggle to protect the Gualcarque River in Honduras from a hydroelectric dam.  Berta was the recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize.  She was a woman who talked with the rivers and spoke truth to empire, militarism and corporate greed.

Please take Action for #JusticeForBerta today by calling your Senator and asking them to co-sponsor S388: The Honduras Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Act of 2021.

“We have to wake up! We have to wake up, humankind! We’re out of time.”

“Mother Earth – militarized, fenced-in, poisoned, a place where basic rights are systematically violated – demands that we take action.”

“We should then build a society that is capable of co-existing in a just manner, in a dignified manner, and in a way that protects life.”

“Let us come together and move forward with hope as we defend and care for the Earth and its spirits.”

“I knew this would be hard, but that we will triumph.  The river told me.”