Honduras Accompaniment Project

Honduras Accompaniment Project works to accompany the nonviolent social movement in Honduras in the face of the repression begun by the coup.

Repression at Embassy

Here is another testimony taken by a member of our International Witness Delegation.

Lilian, a 46-year old resident of Tegucigalpa, was in the region of the Brazilian Embassy yesterday, along with hundreds of others, celebrating democratically-elected president Mel Zelaya’s return. At about 5:30am, members of the police and military came to displace the assembly.

One Story of Last Night's Repression

Twenty-four year-old Eric was participating in his Tegucigalpa neighborhood’s protest last night when the nonviolent gathering was attacked by police. He was beaten with police batons before being detained for two hours along with a nineteen year-old compañero.

Police continued to beat Eric after he was detained. “They made us put our hands flat on chairs so they could beat them,” he said. He heard police talking among themselves about killing them.

Curfew Extended; 7.5 Million Effectively Under House Arrest

They’ve declared another full-day curfew today, which is disastrous for most people, who need to work every day for income, and who therefore buy food on a day-to-day basis. People are calling into television and radio stations saying they don’t have any food in their houses, and in some neighborhoods the water has been cut, too. One woman just called in and said that her mom is diabetic and hasn’t had insulin in three days. Even if these individuals decide to defy curfew, as many are doing, the stores and markets are closed.

Quixote Center delegation hears explosions, sees tear gas and smoke from burning tires

Today the Quixote Center Accompaniment Delegation struggled in the midst of a state of siege to reach hospitals where wounded are being treated and to the stadium where detained are being held prisoners.Tonight they report that they can hear explosions from protests that are being repressed in neighboring barrios and tear gas and smoke from burning tires is filling the air. 

The Frente Naciónal Contra el Gólpe report that the Resistance has taken several police stations

The Frente Naciónal Contra el Gólpe reports that about five police stations have been taken by the Resistance.   Meanwhile, in the Kennedy, in Tegucigalpa, the police are using live bullets and teargas against the crowds.  Our delegation is in a nearby neighborhood and can hear chanting – “Adelante, Adelante – la lucha es constante. Forward – forward – the struggle is constant.”