Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Please Call your Senators and Urge them to Co-sponsor the Jubilee Act

Please call your Senator(s) today and urge them to co-sponsor the Jubilee Act if they have not already. Adding more Senators as co-sponsors will help build political momentum for passage.If your Senators have both co-sponsored (this is true if you live in Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, or Oregon), you can still help. Please call to thank them and urge them to do what they can to ensure the bill passes the full Senate. You can see a full list of co-sponsors here read more

The Future of Mexico´s Oil: Social action to stop the energy grab!

 In Mexico, as in the U.S. and Canada, citizens and democrats wish to "close the revolving door between the executive branch and K street (corporate) lobbying …". Mexicans are currently mobilizing to stop the deeply un-democratic practice of lobbyists [writing] national policies [i] From Barack Obama’s Blueprint for ChangeMexico is in the middle of one

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ASC-HSA Bulletin June 13, 2008

1) Bolivia: Evo Morales’ Letter, on E.U. immigration policies. 2) Brazil: Social movements protest big business and Lula’s neo-liberal politics 3) The FAO Summit in Roma was a complete failure 4) Argentina: Two looks at the conflict between the government and the "ruralistas" 5) Ecuador: Open letter in support of the Debt Audit Commission __________________________________________________________________ read more

HSA Bulletin June 6, 2008

1) The new referendums in Bolivia were marked by a high level of abstention 2) Peru’s proposal about Decision 486 will be voted on June 21st 3) Ecuador: An audit of the external debt continues 4) Mexico: Food for Mexico’s campesinos: Hunger doesn’t wait 5) Central America: U.S. objectives move forward in Plan Puebla Panama and the Mérida initiative 6) Colombia: Government represses indigenous social mobilization with lethal weaponsread more