Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Hemispheric Social Alliance Bulletin Septenber 24, 2008

1. The Situation in Bolivia2. The food crisis in Haiti3. Solidarity with Cuba4. III Social Forum on Migrations5. Extraordinary Summit of UNASUR6. The strike by the sugar workers in Colombia7. The 5th European Social Forum8. The Andean Mining Forum9. The III Americas Social Forum10. The II Anti-Militarization in Honduras read more

President Preval calls for more than just charity

In response to the series of hurricanes that have struck Haiti this summer and fall, President Preval thanks the international community for its assistance, but calls for more than just “charitable” contributions to Haiti’s recovery. is asking for latitude from debt holders and international development partners for the government to adopt policies that will lead to true rebuilding, such as infrastructure investments, and rebuilding of the rural economy. read more

Bolivia- September 19th Update

UNASUR EMERGENCY MEETINGIn response to the crisis in Bolivia, an emergency meeting of nine Union of Nations of South America (UNASUR) Presidents was convened on Monday September 15th in Santiago, Chile.  The meeting was a success for Bolivia and for UNASUR itself, reflecting a changing balance of power in the hemisphere.  The call for a

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Observations of Philip Goldman's role in Bolivia

This is a document written by 3 Congressmen from the MAS party which provides details regarding the planning and carrying out of actions designed to provoke civil disorder and destabilize the government of Bolivia.  The document includes observations about the role of former Ambassador Philip Goldman in fomenting destabilization efforts. read more

Special Edition of the Bolivia Information Forum Bulletin

The announcement of a ‘pre-accord’ between the government and opposition prefects in eastern Bolivia raises hopes that the damaging political violence perpetrated by the latter in recent weeks will be called off. Talks are due to get underway in Cochabamba on September 18th. The Bulletin is available in the pdf file below. For more information on BIF go to: more

Latin America in Solidarity with Bolivia

     Following the Aug 10th Referendum, where 67% of the population declared their support for the Morales government, dissident governors in Bolivia’s "media luna" stepped up efforts to disrupt and destabilize the country.   Acts of violence and sabotage over the last three weeks, in different locations have been well organized with the intent of bringing down the government. Last week, violence against people and property in several provinces controlled by these governors reached a crisis point.    In addition to multiple attacks on people and organizatio

Bolivia: Deaths in the Amazon

Written by Franz Chávez  Saturday, 13 September 2008(IPS) – The Bolivian government declared martial law in the northern province of Pando after as many as 15 indigenous supporters of President Evo Morales were killed by rightwing protesters near the town of Cobija.