Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Canada urged to reject "elections" in Honduras

A coalition of Canadian development, church, labour and human rights organizations are calling on the Canadian government  not to join the US in recognizing the controversial elections to be held in Honduras on November 29—and are calling for further action to strengthen democracy in the Central American nation.
“The June coup d’état in Honduras—which overthrew a legitimately elected President—represents the most serious crisis in recent years for democratic governa

QC Election Delegation reports bomb explosion on bus route

Nov. 26, 2009 – A bomb exploded on a Catisa bus route between San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba at approximately 3:30pm today. The explosion occurred on a nearly empty bus right in front of the fire department. Fire fighters were able to respond immediately and report that the explosion was the result of a small bomb found in the luggage compartment of the bus. Fire fighters also report that a second bomb was also found in the luggage compartment that did not explode.

Honduran Ministry of Health issues health-care-provider alert for the week of elections

Amidst expectations of large-scale repression and warnings to stay safe at home during the elections, the Honduran Ministry of Health has issued an emergency communiqué alerting all Department level Health Directors and Hospital Directors to have all medical personnel on call 24 hours a day, to reprogram elective surgery, and to stock up on medicine and equipment for the period of November 19 – December 4, 2009.

View the letter.

Honduran Armed Forces order mayors to provide lists of community leaders opposed to the coup regime

On October 22, 2009, the Armed Forces of Honduras, First Battalion of Communications issued a letter to all of the Mayors in the country requiring their offices to compile a list of names and telephone numbers of members of the municipality who are “part of the resistance.” The letters ask for the list to be compiled as soon as possible because the Army will be following up on the request with a visit to each municipality “very soon in order to strengthen our democratic system.”

Quixote Center Delegation to Conduct Human Rights Accompaniment and Observation in Lead Up and during Honduras’ Elections

20 Representatives of Faith-Based, Labor, and Human Rights Groups Available for Interviews from Honduras,
November 25- December 1st
 Hyattsville, MD – A delegation of 20 representatives of faith-based, labor, and human rights organizations will travel to Honduras on November 25, 2009, to conduct human rights accompaniment and observation in the lead-up to the country’s controversial elections on November 29.