Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Death Threats against COFADEH Personnel

The Committee of the Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH) are denouncing that today, Sunday, February 7 at 8 am, Caniel Martinez, who was in the offices of our organization received a phone call from the number 222-71-44 in which a woman told him, “Be careful there will be an attack against you, especially those of you who are in the street”.  Martinez states that when he asked the women who was calling she hung up the telephone.

More Hondurans Protest Inauguration than Attend

 Jan 27th 2010 Tegucigalpa, Written by Chris Dadok

In the capital Tegucigalpa, buses and private cars surround the stadium as political party members, congressmen, international delegates, and mayors enter to attend the inauguration of the recently declared president of Honduras, Porfirio Lobo Sosa.  Despite the high attendance close to 20,000, the stadium stands unfilled.  Outside on Boulevard Fuerza Armadas -passing under the bridges inscribed with political graffiti – over 200,000 Honduran teachers, small business owners, lawyers, youth, farmers, and many other employed and unemployed people march 5 kilometers across the city.  They are protesting what they see as corruption and an illegitimate government. The simultaneous rallies mark the divided nature in which the coup d’état has left Honduras.

Declaration of the Hemispheric Social Alliance on Honduras

Honduras: without democracy and without a President.  The Resistance continues.

Today a group of Presidents (Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia and Taiwan) as well as official delegations from 15 other countries including Australia, United States, Canada, India, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, the Vatican, Peru, Switzerland and Turkey will assist a parody of the transition of presidential power with leading roles played by Mr. Jose Lobo and other actors and authors of the coup de tat that overthrew President Manuel Zelaya on June 28, 2009.