Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Bolivia calls for Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights

In response to the derailment of Climate Change talks in Copenhagen, Bolivia has called for a Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights. In April, Quixote Center staff will attend the Conference in Cochabamba which will generate proposals for the next round of negotiations in Mexico. Visit our website for reports from the conference.

Letter to Congress regarding Human Rights Situation under the Lobos Government in Honduras

Dear Members of Congress,

During her trip to Latin America earlier this month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that she had sent members of Congress a letter informing them that the administration would be restoring aid to Honduras.   “The Honduras crisis has been managed to a successful conclusion” and “without violence”, she told reporters accompanying her on her trip.

Honduran Platform for Human Rights opposes proposed Truth Commission

On Feb. 19th, the “Platform for Human Rights” – a coalition that includes each of Honduras’ key human rights organizations – issued a statement strongly criticizing the Truth Commission jointly proposed by the Lobo government and U.S. Administration.  The Honduran Human Rights Platform states that “the conditions for such a commission do not exist” given that, among other reasons:

COFADEH releases statement regarding first 30 days of Porfirio Lobo

The respected Honduran human rights organization, COFADEH, released a statement this week on the "First Thirty Days of the Porfirio Lobo Government" which describes
a continued state policy of social control and repression against political opposition in the country.  COFADEH states that 160 cases of violations of human rights have been documented during the first 30 days of the Lobo government.  The full statement is the attachment in the blue box.

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the violations of human rights in Honduras since the coup d’état on 28 June 2009

Following Human Rights Council resolution 12/14, entitled “Situation of humanrights in Honduras since the coup d’état on 28 June 2009”, which requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to submit to its thirteenth session a “comprehensive report on the violations of human rights in Honduras since the coup d’état”, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) sent a mission to the country from 18 October to 7 November 2009.

“80% of the complaints to the Attorney General’s Human Rights office are against the police”

LA Tribuna Feb 26, 2010
Sandra Ponce, the Chief Lawyer for Human Rights in the Public Ministry lamented the decision of the National Congress to repeal the decree which created the Technical Direction of Criminal Investigation (DTIC) as an independent investigation body, given that, according to cases on file, 80% of the denunciations of citizens are against police officers. 


Washington, D.C., March 8, 2010—The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemns and laments the murders last month of three persons in Honduras who were active in the resistance to the coup d’état or related to activists. It also deplores the kidnappings, arbitrary detentions, acts of torture, sexual violations, and illegal raids to which other members of the resistance have been victims. The IACHR also expresses its deep concern over information it has received indicating that sons and daughters of activists are being threatened and harassed, and that in two cases they have been killed.