Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Resistencia documentary: Help make it happen!

From – go to the site to watch the trailer and participate in the fundraising campaign! (And to see more of Jesse Freeston’s video journalism, go to


When a military coup ousted the only president that ever supported them, they occupied the plantations…and these farmers aren’t going anywhere.

International Human Rights Gathering in Solidarity with the Aguan – Feb. 17-20,2012

 With hope and the desire to continue building a Honduras in which we will NOT be among the growing statistics of the violation of human rights, we are seeking a solution to the grave humanitarian situation in the Valley of Aguan. This is a region of struggle for communities of family farmers, who have united once again to take up unified efforts to achieve justice, dignity and life.

CCR: Summary of Reports of Human Rights Abuses in Honduras – Dec.and Jan 2012