Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Letter to the USTR on Colombia

In spite of recent posturing from the Democrats about the need for certain changes in the Trade Model, in general they don’t accept the fact that the model is inherently flawed, that it is not working and it will not work because these agreements principally serve to increasingly concentrate resources in the hands of a few. We are again facing a situation where the Administration has begun their full court press to get these four pending agreements approved by Congress, going so far as to pull out the ‘ideology’ card; i.e.

Letter to Congress from a multitude of Colombian Organizations

Congresswoman NANCY PELOSI, Bogotà, April 19, 2007 Speaker of the House of Representatives Congressman CHARLES RANGEL, Chair, Ways and Means Committee Congressman SANDER LEVIN, Chair, Trade Subcommittee, Ways and Means RE: The Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States should be rejected by the respective Congresses of both nations.

Haiti Getting Lots of Attention from International Community – Just not much actual assistance

This week the Rio Group – Latin America’s regional cooperation forum is meeting with members of the European Union in the Dominican Republic to talk abut a number of things. But Haiti is high on the agenda, even if it is not Haiti’s agenda. The Dominican Republic has essentially blocked discussion of migration issues, especially the rights of Haitians and their Dominican born children. So yet another conference focused on Haiti, no doubt leading to press releases, promises of aid and photo ops. Despite numerous promises, little has been delivered.

JUST SAY NO! to Fast Track

Trade Promotion Authority, better known as Fast Track will expire on June 30th. Because this power has been so abused by the Bush Administration, the Alliance for Responsible Trade and Quest for Peace have launched a campaign to place a Signature Ad in the New York Times once the request for a renewal of Fast Track has happened. We recently launched a new web site around this campaign. To read more about this campaign and add your signature to this initiative, please go to: