Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Transcript: Bush and Preval comments yesterday

Joint Remarks by Presidents Bush, Preval of Haiti(U.S. supports U.N. mission in Haiti, fight against drug trafficking) (780)(begin transcript)THE WHITE HOUSEOffice of the Press SecretaryMay 8, 2007REMARKS BY PRESIDENT BUSHAND PRESIDENT PREVAL OF HAITIIN PHOTO OPPORTUNITYOval Office4:45 P.M. EDT

Onion News Gets Props

Since we posted the Onion News Network’s parody of a news report on Haiti two weeks ago, I thought it appropriate to share this article with you about ONN – it references the Haiti report.’Onion News’ runs rings around faux-newscast competitionBy SAM McMANISSacramento BeeSilly me. I thought cable TV news was beyond mocking. After all, once you’ve watched Nancy Grace in action, parody and satire don’t seem to stand a chance read more

Alliance for Responsible Trade

ART is a national network of labor, family-farm, religious, women’s, environmental, development and research organizations that promotes equitable and sustainable trade and development. ART is the representative coalition to the Hemispheric Social Alliance (HSA), a hemispheric wide organization of coalitions which are challenging the dominant models of power.

Alliance for Responsible Trade

ART is a national network of labor, family-farm, religious, women’s, environmental, development and research organizations that promotes equitable and sustainable trade and development. ART is the representative coalition to the Hemispheric Social Alliance (HSA), a hemispheric wide organization of coalitions which are challenging the dominant models of power.

Alliance for Responsible Trade

ART is a national network of labor, family-farm, religious, women’s, environmental, development and research organizations that promotes equitable and sustainable trade and development. ART is the representative coalition to the Hemispheric Social Alliance (HSA), a hemispheric wide organization of coalitions which are challenging the dominant models of power.

Nicaragua Libre

The Friendship Office works to sustain the strong ties of solidarity between the people of Nicaragua and the United States that were forged during the decades of the 1980s when US citizens worked to oppose the US sponsored contra war against the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.  We support efforts of the poorest of the poor to create better living conditions, reforest and restore watersheds, to strengthen historic memory and to promote just U.S. and international policy toward Nicaragua.

Nicaragua Libre

The Friendship Office works to sustain the strong ties of solidarity between the people of Nicaragua and the United States that were forged during the decades of the 1980s when US citizens worked to oppose the US sponsored contra war against the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.  We support efforts of the poorest of the poor to create better living conditions, reforest and restore watersheds, to strengthen historic memory and to promote just U.S. and international policy toward Nicaragua.

Nicaragua Libre

The Friendship Office works to sustain the strong ties of solidarity between the people of Nicaragua and the United States that were forged during the decades of the 1980s when US citizens worked to oppose the US sponsored contra war against the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua.  We support efforts of the poorest of the poor to create better living conditions, reforest and restore watersheds, to strengthen historic memory and to promote just U.S. and international policy toward Nicaragua.

Recommendations for U.S. Policy in Colombia

To: Members of Congress May 1, 2007 We are writing to you as representatives of grassroots organizations with members from across the United States to urge you to lead a change in U.S. policy toward Colombia, and terminate US military aid. Such aid has failed in its stated aims, reinforced impunity for human rights violations, and contributed to the displacement of millions of Colombians read more