Author Archives: jennya

Nicaraguan Ambassador Responds to Washington Post Article

Nicaragua Network, Nicaragua News Bulletin: The Washington Post’s Christmas Day gift to Nicaragua was to publish an inflammatory and inaccurate editorial accusing the Obama administration of being "Soft on Nicaragua." The editorial invoked favorably Ronald Reagan’s war against Nicaragua which cost 40,000 Nicaraguan, mostly civilian, casualties. The editorial accused Nicaragua of "invading" Costa Rica and said that the Obama administration’s response was "an invitation to apply for foreign aid."

Bolivia Proposal excluded from Cancun

Bolivian President Evo Morales lamented this Friday that his proposal as well as that of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez, calling on the rich countries to halve their greenhouse gas emissions, has not been welcomed into the Cancún Summit on climate change to be held next week.

Morales indicated at a press conference that the petitions to create a Climate Justice Tribunal and to organize a global referendum on how to solve the environmental crisis, submitted by a great majority of nations, have been ignored.

Honduras media fomenting conflict with Nicaragua

Nicaragua flatly denies Honduran media reports that Nica soldiers are training and supplying guerrillas in neighboring Honduras. The Nicaraguan Army is categorically denying unsubstantiated reports in Honduras that Nicaraguan soldiers are training and supplying Honduran guerrillas in a plot to destabilize the right-wing government of Honduran President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo. Nicaraguan Army spokesman Col. Juan

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