Author Archives: admin

Eurodad Report on G-8 debt deal

The following summary of Eurodad report on G-8 debt relief initiative two years after it was announced is forwarded from Jubilee USA . In the full report, pages 11-12 have some great detail on the Inter-American Development Bank cancellation announced in March of this year, and page 13 has some more specific details on Haiti. All worth a read.. Full report: Report: Multilateral debt: one step forward, how many back?Summary Eurodad scrutinises the G8 debt deal 2 years-on

House Resolution 241 Reaches 41 Co-sponsors

H. Res 241 – a resolution calling for Haiti’s debts to the World Bank, IMF and Inter-American Development Bank to be cancelled immediately has reached 41 co-sponsors! But we still need more. We are calling for a national call ni day to Congress on Friday- which coresponds to Haiti’s flag day. The following members of Congress co-sponsored the same resolution last year -but have not yet co-sponsored this new one. They should be on board. So, if you live in their district, give them a call!: Capital Switchboard 202-224-3121Rep Cummings, Elijah E. [MD-7]

Turks and Caicos Gov't Statement

The Turks and Caicos goverment issued a statement on Saturday about the capsizing of a boat carrying 160 Haitian refugees on May 4. The statement (not surprisingly) repeats the official version of the story -that the partol tied a line to the boat to tow them into shore, and the boat then fliped in the rough seas read more