Author Archives: admin

CLIMATE CHANGE: Save the Planet from Capitalism

Message from Evo Morales to the countries taking part in the UN Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland Sisters and brothers: Today, our Mother Earth is ill. From the beginning of the 21st century we have lived the hottest years of the last thousand years. Global warming is generating abrupt changes in the weather: the

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 IN THE FACE OF THE FINANCIAL CRISIS, WE DEMANDED A CHANGE IN MODEL Social leaders of Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, belonging to the Hemispheric Social Alliance, meeting in Quito on 15 November 2008 — at the same time as the leaders of the G20 in Washington– discussed the implications of the

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Hemispheric Social Alliance Bulletin November 25, 2008

1. The Struggle against the European Union-CAN Association Agreements has begun.2. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela won 17 of 22 local governments but lost in Caracas. 3. Women commemorate the Day against Machista Violence 4. The issue of Water Seizes Political Agenda in Latin America5. Social movements outline an agenda to combat the financial

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Support Father Roy Bourgeois

The Quixote Center will publish a full-page signature ad in the National Catholic Reporter in support of Father Roy’s prophetic ministry and witness to justice, peace and equality in the Roman Catholic Church. We call on others in the many communities Father Roy has touched to join in supporting him and celebrating the call of our conscience towards acts of social justice and equality for women in the Catholic Church and for the people of Latin America.


Rick Arnold and Manuel Pérez-RochaBarack Obama’s electoral victory represents hope for a change in direction for US relations with Latin America and within the North American region- a change that departs from the Monroe Doctrine of US superiority over its ‘backyard’ neighbors. North American pundits have already been suggesting that a new US administration must

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Hemispheric Social Alliance Bulletin November 11, 2008

Contents:1. Governments and social movements in the continent have high expectations after the election of Barack Obama as the new President of the United States.  2. Message from U.S. Indigenous leaders regarding the U.S. election3. Social organizations around the world protest the upcoming G-20 Summit in Washington D.C.  4. The scheduled EU- CAN meeting in

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Colombia FTA Update

Human Rights Situation Worsening Despite Persistent Claims of ImprovementWe write in celebration of a new political moment in U.S.-Colombia relations.  President-elect Obama clearly stated his opposition to a U.S. – Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as recently as the last presidential debate in October.  "The history in Colombia right now is that labor leaders have

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Hemispheric Social Alliance Bulletin November 4th, 2008

Contents:  1. Divisions created by the financial crisis were evident in the XVIII Iboamerican Summit 2. Social, Women’s and other International Organizations are concerned about the social impacts of the financial crisis 3. The movement "Without Corn there is no Country" holds assembly on Food Sovereignty 4. Brazilian organizations will hold parallel events to the

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