Nicaragua Libre

Nicaragua Libre has been working since 1983 to build a policy of peace and friendship between the people of the United States and Nicaragua.

Cilnton in Central America for Regional Security Meeting

The five presidents of Central America along with the presidents of Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet in Guatemala June 21-23 to discuss regional cooperation against organized crime. With Honduras allowed to rejoin the Central American Integration System (SICA), this will be the first meeting including all the presidents of Central America since the coup in Honduras almost two years ago.

1980s World Court suit against US may be refiled

President Daniel Ortega stated on March 10 that Nicaragua reserves the right to reopen its 1980s lawsuit against the United States before the International Court of Justice at The Hague (World Court). The US did not recognize and never complied with the Court’s 1986 ruling that it was illegal for the US to mine the harbor at the Port of Corinto and to prosecute the Contra War to overthrow the Sandinista Revolution. The World Court ordered the US to pay reparations, estimated at that time to be US$17 billion. Ortega said that in today’s dollars that would be US$58 billion.

Nicaraguan Ambassador Responds to Washington Post Article

Nicaragua Network, Nicaragua News Bulletin: The Washington Post’s Christmas Day gift to Nicaragua was to publish an inflammatory and inaccurate editorial accusing the Obama administration of being "Soft on Nicaragua." The editorial invoked favorably Ronald Reagan’s war against Nicaragua which cost 40,000 Nicaraguan, mostly civilian, casualties. The editorial accused Nicaragua of "invading" Costa Rica and said that the Obama administration’s response was "an invitation to apply for foreign aid."

Honduras media fomenting conflict with Nicaragua

Nicaragua flatly denies Honduran media reports that Nica soldiers are training and supplying guerrillas in neighboring Honduras. The Nicaraguan Army is categorically denying unsubstantiated reports in Honduras that Nicaraguan soldiers are training and supplying Honduran guerrillas in a plot to destabilize the right-wing government of Honduran President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo. Nicaraguan Army spokesman Col. Juan

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Nicaragua denies assertions made by Honduran Defense Minister

Vice President of Nicaragua, Jaime Morales Carazo and  National Assembly President Rene Núñez, dismissed statements from Tegucigalpa that Nicaragua is training irregular troops to enter Honduras. Núñez said that assertions by Honduran Defense Minister are false and without proof. Morales stated that the border is a pourous transit point with few controls for illegal trafficking of lumber, cattle and people.