Nicaragua Libre

Nicaragua Libre has been working since 1983 to build a policy of peace and friendship between the people of the United States and Nicaragua.

Newsletter – December 2018

“The Friendship Office stands with partners in the region in affirming the need to search for peaceful solutions and in rejecting U.S. threats, sanctions and intervention. For Nicaragua, this includes opposing economic and military intervention and the Nica Act, sponsored by the same right wing extremists that supported the coup in Honduras.”Please see the full Newsletter here.

Jubilee South: Declaration on the social political crisis in Nicaragua!

“We reject the interference led by the government of the United States and supported by its allied governments, some of which have come to power via coup de ’tat and are responsible for multiple forms of human rights violations in their own countries, for example, Honduras, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. These actions fuel and encourage the script of terror that has impacted the people of Nicaragua. We affirm the right to sovereignty and self-determination for this sister nation. We express the need to search for peaceful solutions, to establish concrete guidelines for processes of reconciliation based on peace with justice and truth, including the possibility of an inclusive dialogue processes between the government and representatives from the different sectors of society.”Please see the full Declaration here.

April 28th – Celebrate Ben and the Re-Inauguration of the Casa Ben Linder

On Saturday April 28th the Casa Ben Linder will host a celebration of Ben’s life on the 31st anniversary of his assassination, Re-Inaugurate the Casa Ben Linder and celebrate its new life under the leadership of friends at Jubilee House Community. Gather at 3:30 at the Casa Ben Linder: Teatro Guachilpilin will kick off the event with “Bajo Cielo Sobre Mar” – a show with puppets, actors and jugglers! Guitarist Pablo Suazo will provide a musica testimonial Paul Baker Hernandez and Guitarra de Madera Azul will singAll afternoon evening: Tour the CBL remodel in-process Tour the murals Enjoy tasty food and drinks Shop at Esperanza en Accion’s fair trade shop Visit with old friends and meet new ones Come, celebrate, and share new life at the CBL! You can see more on this Facebook page,

Paris Accord: US Out – Nicaragua In

 While Donald Trump gives the appearance of wavering over his decision to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Nicaragua has decided to sign it. It was one of only two countries not to sign in Paris last year; the other was Syria. Nicaragua abstained out of principle: the agreement didn’t go far enough. The target – to keep the average global temperature no more than 2ºC above pre-industrial levels – was too high, and in any case unlikely to be met.

Padre Miquel dEscoto – Thank you for giving us a better world. We hold you Presente!

The Friendship Office is deeply saddened by the passing of Padre Miquel dEscoto who died on June 9, 2017 after 84 years of life fully lived. In the many tributes to his life and legacy, Miquel is described as, a Latin American prophet of peace inspired by Sandino and Bolivar,kkll Dorothy Day, Gandhi and Martin Luther King… An uncompromising anti-imperialist…a Chancellor of Peace and Dignity…a voice of conscience who spoke truth to power and expected others to do the same.

Padre Miquel dEscoto – Thank you for giving us a better world. We hold you Presente!

The Friendship Office is deeply saddened by the passing of Padre Miquel dEscoto who died on June 9, 2017 after 84 years of life fully lived. In the many tributes to his life and legacy, Miquel is described as, a Latin American prophet of peace inspired by Sandino and Bolivar,kkll Dorothy Day, Gandhi and Martin Luther King… An uncompromising anti-imperialist…a Chancellor of Peace and Dignity…a voice of conscience who spoke truth to power and expected others to do the same.