Nicaragua Libre

Nicaragua Libre has been working since 1983 to build a policy of peace and friendship between the people of the United States and Nicaragua.

Zacate Grande, Honduras -Leaders flee community, pursued by military. Nov. 29, 2009

Military and police entered the community of Zacate Grande at 2:00 am, detonating two bombs. The population of 800 families was obligated to vote by armed actors dressed as civilians. Twenty four community leaders, who appear on a list in the possession of the military, fled and are being pursued by the army. House by house searches are being conducted. The communities are terrified.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Delegation Report Nov. 29, 2009

 After three days of meetings with leaders of the resistance: lawyers, teachers, media, politicians, leaders of the women’s movement, human rights organizations, it has become evident that the de facto regime contends to go forward with its delusions of democracy by putting forward this mock election. Five months since the military escorted Zelaya out of the country in his pajamas they continue with its campaign of terror and repression against the Honduran people.

Reflections from QC Delegation – by Lisa Sullivan/SOA

I´m here with the Quixote Center delegation that has gathered 19 fabulous folks from around the US and Canada. Yesterday we met with many key leaders of the resistance movement – their leader Carlos H Reyes, lawyers, teachers, feminists and journalists. It was a crash course in what life and resistance for 5 months under a repressive regime looks like. We squeezed in back-to-back meetings from morning to night, before the leaders set off for their places of hiding for the upcoming ¨"event" on Sunday, refusing to use the word "elections".

QC Delegation – Emergency Alert for Community of Guadalupe Carney

We just received a call from members of the Popular Resistance Front
in Tocoa, in the department of Colon who are reporting mass millitary
and police presence in a community called GUADALUPE CARNEY. This is a
community that experienced repression in August, an organized
campesino, peasant community that have been threatened since the
police arrived to have their homes raided. This is just one of several
raids that have occured today, among the homes of youth and students

Police and Military Raid COMAL – alternative marketing network of peasant, women’s organizations.

At 1:40pm today heavily armed members of the national police and military raided COMAL (Alternative Community Marketing Network) in Siguatepeque, in Comayagua. COMAL is a newtork of 42 small-scale peasant and women’s organizations from throughout Honduras.  QC delegation members arrived at COMAL while the raid was still underway.

Carlos H Reyes, November 26, 2009 perspective on Honduran Elections

This is an interview with Carlos H. Reyes, Independent party candidate for president and long time union leader who renounced his bid for presidency.  In the course of his candidacy, he recieved numerous death threats and his arm was broken by the Honduran Army.  In this interview, he gives a brief history of Honduras, the election and mandate of Zelaya, and thoughts about the future of Honduras and the illegitimacy of the elections.