Nicaragua Libre

Nicaragua Libre has been working since 1983 to build a policy of peace and friendship between the people of the United States and Nicaragua.

Quixote Center Delegation documents terror and repression during elections

Reports coming in from Quixote Center delegates who deployed to four different regions of the country during the last week to observe the electoral climate and the human rights situation point to a systemic pattern of militarization, intimidation, human rights violations and generalized repression.  This, coupled with extremely low voter turnout.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Delegation Report, Nov. 28, 2009

We have just returned to our hotel. Today was a busy day. We met with the Canadian Ambassador to start the day. He presented us with an official position taken by the G16 (written paper), as well as the press release yesterday from Minister Peter Kent. The Ambassador indicated that Canada has not stated that they will recognize the elections on Sunday, but he did also not take a position that they would not recognize the elections. We appear to be sitting on the fence.

Non-violent march called for San Pedro Sula today amidst bomb explosion and detentions.

The Quixote Center Delegation contingent in San Pedro Sula will observe a non-violent march called today by the resistance movement. The Delegation of US and Canadian citizens has received reports of detentions in Danli overnight and two bomb explosions in schools used as voting stations. One bomb exploded in a school in Progesso and another in San Pedro Sula. Both were heavy explosions- not homemade but military devices- and were located in areas that did not result in much damage. The explosions add to the state of te