Honduras Accompaniment Project

Honduras Accompaniment Project works to accompany the nonviolent social movement in Honduras in the face of the repression begun by the coup.

WikiLeaks Honduras: US Linked to Brutal Businessman

The Nation/Dana Frank – Since 2009, beneath the radar of the international media, the coup government ruling Honduras has been collaborating with wealthy landowners in a violent crackdown on small farmers struggling for land rights in the Aguán Valley in the northeastern region of the country. Over 46 campesinos have been killed or disappeared. Human rights groups charge that many of the killings have been perpetrated by the private army of security guards employed by Miguel Facussé, a biofuels magnate.

Honduran Court Absolves Generals

U.N. launches probe of press abuses in Honduras

16 journalists have been murdered in Honduras since 2010, the most in the region besides Mexico. The United Nations on Wednesday formally launched a probe of abuses of freedom of the press in Honduras that have mounted since a 2009 coup in the Central American nation. UN rapporteur Frank de La Rue is leading the investigation of abuses that include 16 murders of journalists just since 2010.