Honduras Accompaniment Project

Honduras Accompaniment Project works to accompany the nonviolent social movement in Honduras in the face of the repression begun by the coup.

Congressman Berman asks if US is "feeding the monster" in Honduras

Congressman Howard Berman released a strongly worded letter to Hillary Clinton, in which he expresses his concern about the human rights situation in Honduras.  The letter goes into great detail regarding the involvement of Honduran security forces in killings, torture and other crimes and states that it is necessary "to evaluate immediately United States assistance to ensure that we are not, in fact, feeding the beast."  Please see the attached letter.

Cofadeh to challenge constitutionality of decree granting police powers to the military

The General Coordinator of the Committee of the Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (Cofadeh), Bertha Oliva revealed to defensoresenlinea.com that the decision taken by the National Congress to grant police powers to the military is an illegal, unconstitutional decision that opens the door for members of the Armed Forces to openly commit all types of human rights violations. 

Gringo Bases in Honduras Again

COFADEH Nov. 11, 2011  The first executive order issued by Porfirio Lobo in January 2010 after assuming the presidency following the coup d’état was the authorization of another Gringo military base in Caratasca and an extension in the small island of Guanaja. The bases – sea, land, and air – join with Palmerola, in the heart of the Comayagua valley, which dates back to the 1980s. In addition to these US military enclaves on the Atlantic coast and in Comayagua there are also U.S.

COFADEH demands complete overhaul of the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Security

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 – “A complete overhaul of the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of the Attorney General is urgent,” said Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared of Honduras, COFADEH, as she called on the international community to suspend financial aid to these institutions, which she refers to as “death machines.”