Honduras Accompaniment Project

Honduras Accompaniment Project works to accompany the nonviolent social movement in Honduras in the face of the repression begun by the coup.

Amnesty International issues alert on José Ruelas

The Director of Casa Alianza Honduras, a children’s rights organization, was beaten and detained by military police on 8 May. He believes his mistreatment was in retaliation for speaking out against violence against children in Honduras and denouncing government inaction on the matter.  The attached Pdf document is the Alert recently issued by Amnesty International regarding the case.

Chronicle of Ruelas

Thursday, May 8, 2014. 7 p.m. Guadalupe Ruelas leaves his office at Casa Alianza and heads for the Marriot Hotel where he is invited to have dinner with an international agency.
11:00 p.m. Ruelas, the Director of Casa Alianza, leaves the hotel in a double cabin, Casa Alianza vehicle  passing almost in  front of the  Casa Presidencial, where police motion for him to stop.