Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.


The following statement was sent via email to 1,400 people in Congress on Monday November 5th, including all the trade LAs, Chief of Staff, Legislative Directors and Congress people. Congratulations to the grassroots initiative behind this statement, especially to Grassroots Global Justice and folks from across the country gathering on regular conference calls to stop the Peru FTA. read more

Updates: Tropical Storm Noel

Tropical Storm Noel hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic yesterday.  So far the worst of the storm seems to have hit the Dominican Republic where at least 20 people have died in flooding.  Reports from rural areas in both countries are still lacking – so the damage could be worse.   Some video from Haiti gives an idea of the strength of the water flowing.  The BBC also has a slide show with images from Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Lectionaries are Sold OUT

Thanks to everyone who purchased a lectionary or one of the individual volumes of the Inclusive Bible.  We are now sold out of lectionaries!  We will be issuing a new edition of lectionaries in December.  We’ll let you know as soon as they are ready.

Tropical Storm Noel Hits Haiti!

Tropical Storm Noel hit Haiti today and is expected to drop as much as 30 inches of rain in some parts of the country – creating a very high risk for flooding and mud-slides. Early reports indicate that the worst of the damage was in the Dominican Republic were a dozen people were killed. But it is too early to tell. Below is a report from this afternoon, published by the Canadian Press.Tropical storm Noel brings heavy rain to Haiti, Dominican Republic

John Edwards Statement on Peru Trade Agreement October 27, 2007

Today I am announcing my opposition to the Peru Trade Agreement negotiated by the Bush Administration and being considered for approval by Congress. Despite strong efforts by many Democrats in Congress, labor organizations and fair trade advocates to embed international labor standards into the Agreement, what resulted were references to general principles and not specific standards. And the Agreement still replicates and in fact expands all of the other most damaging aspects of past trade agreements.