Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Order Noisy Contemplation and other Quixote Center Publications online

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The Quixote Center offers a variety of publications on topics bridging spirituality and social justice, including the revised edition of Bill Callahan’s Noisy Contemplation, and the groundbreaking Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation — the culmination of our 20-year inclusive language project.

These and our other publications are now available for convenient online ordering.

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Commentary on Pope's Visit

Pope Benedict’s first visit to Washington, DC, although cordial, highlights the sharp differences between Catholic social teaching and the foreign and social policy of the Bush Administration. While the Pope was arriving in D.C., car bombs in Iraq laced the streets with flying shards of death, and the President continues to brandish the wounded U.S. military and threatened Iran. read more

Sign On to our letter calling on Congress to halt the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP)

Dear Member of Congress,

On the occasion of the 4th Leaders Summit of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), to be held in New Orleans on April 21-22, we take this opportunity to call on all members of Congress to educate themselves on the SPP, which was never brought to Congress for debate or vote.  Our concerns include the opaque and undemocratic nature of the SPP, its definition of "prosperity" as the expansion of a failed trade model, and its definition of "security" as the expansion of military force and the restricting of civil liberties. 

A Woman of “Sweet Words”

Address by Elizabeth Garcia Carillo for Ecumenical Advocacy Days March, 2008 As part of our advocacy efforts to stop the U.S. Free Trade Agreement with Colombia, ART hosted Elizabeth Garcia Carillo for a week of visits to key members of Congress in order to speak about the impact of the FTA on indigenous, Afro-Colombian and displaced populations. Elizabeth represents the Confederation of Tryona Peoples, and is a lawyer for the Process for Black Communities, an umbrella organization of Afro -Colombian communities and organizations.