Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Solidarity Cyclers 2008!

Solidarity Cyclers 2008: Riding for self-determination, environmental sustainability and economic liberation in Central America and the Caribbean (plus some other stuff) In a little less than two weeks, May 24-26 to be exact, Teams Quixote and CISPES will join forces for one more epic ride read more

Farm Bill a Missed Opportunity

May 13, 2008 By R. Dennis OlsonThe 2008 Farm Bill to be voted on by the House and Senate this week includes incremental gains for conservation, renewable energy, food aid and healthier, local food systems. However, it fails to reverse decades of deregulation that have increased agricultural market volatility to the benefit of global food corporations, and at the expense of farmers, consumers, rural communities and the environment read more

Another Death Threat from the Aguilas Negras in Colombia

This recent death threat by the Colombian paramilitary death squad Aguilas Negras may be quite shocking for Americans, but it represents a chilling everyday reality for many Colombian labor leaders and human rights activists. Where is the outrage in the American press over the fact that the United States government has funded and continues to

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The 10 Commandments to save the planet

First Commandment: Consume only what is necessary, avoid extravagance, waste, luxury and the desire to get rich. President Evo Morales told the United Nations that in order to save the planet, we must eradicate the capitalist model, and the North must pay its ecological debt.  This was the first of Ten Commandments presented by the leader during the inauguration of the VII Indigenous Forum of the United Nations during a long speech that received high acclaim by those who attended the annual encounter.  

Food Crisis

There have been a number of good articles exploring the background of the food crisis in Haiti and globally.  I would like to share a couple of those here.The first is from Mark Schuller, a professor at Vasser University who published an article with IRC America’s Program on the Haitian Food Crisis.  Mark’s article nicely integrates local dynamics with international processes. read more

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