Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

July 31 Press Release By the International mission for Solidarity, Accompaniment, and Observation in Honduras

Crisis in Honduras deepens
–    violence erupted again in Tegucigalpa yesterday
–    Honduras now in a state of brutal dictatorship
–    international attention and solidarity needed to restore democracy  and human rights in Honduras

Yesterday, Thursday 30th July political violence returned to  Tegucigalpa, the capital of the Central American state, Honduras, as  police started fire at a peaceful demonstration in support of the  deported president of the country, Manuel Zelaya.

Message from President Zelaya to the Honduran people July 4, 2009

 Announcing his return to Tegucigalpa today (Sunday, July 5th)

TEGUCIGALPA, July 4 (PL).—President Manuel Zelaya sent a message to the Honduran people today assuring them that he is prepared to make any effort and any sacrifice to obtain the freedom that the country needs.

Below is President Zelaya’s proclamation prior to his return tomorrow to this Central American nation to reoccupy his post after the coup d’état on June 28.

Coup d’état in Honduras elicits International Condemnation

Sunday June 28, 2009  Tom Loudon
A National Constitutional Referendum had been scheduled in Honduras for today, sparking tensions between the President and other branches of the government; the Congress and Supreme Court had ruled against the referendum during the past week.   Last Wednesday General Romeo Vasquez refused to cooperate in conducting the referendum and President Zelaya fired him. The next day President Zelaya and supporters stormed the base where the ballots were being kept, and removed them. The situation was tense, but it was expected that the referendum would be conducted today without major incident.