Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Honduran congress representatives reported to collude with transnational mining companies

These reports are particularly worrying in light of the current criminalization of members of the Siria Valley Environmental Committee and community members of El Porvenir and El Suyatal working to protect vital remaining forests and watersheds in their communities which also happened to be concessioned to transnational mining companies – reportedly Canadian companies.

Victims' Relatives Protest at Ministry of the Attorney General

July 26th at 10:00 am, relatives and friends of Isy Obed Murillo, Ilse Ivannia Velásquez, Roger Vallejo, Félix Murillo, Mario Fidel Contreras, Manuel Flores, Karen Jessenia Hernández, Walter Tróchez, Julio Fúnex, Pedro MAgdiel Muñoz and Pablo Villanueva, 11 victims assassinated after the coup d’état on June 28, 2009, staged a demonstration in front of the offices of the Ministry of the Attorney General (Ministerio Público) in Tegucigalpa.

Ongoing murders and grave human rights violations in El Bajo Aguán

On July 11th 2011, FIDH, APROEV, CIFCA, FIAN International, IUF and Via Campesina International presented at the European Parliament the conclusions and recommendations from the report of the international fact finding mission to Bajo Aguán valley, which took place from February 26th to March 4th 2011. They denounced the continuation of murders and grave human rights violations in Honduras.