Friendship Office of the Americas

The Friendship Office of the Americas is a social justice organization that fosters solidarity between the peoples of Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States and pursues polices of peace and friendship.

Excerpts from Congressional Briefing on the Impact of U.S. Security Assistance on HR in Mexico, Central America and Colombia

During a visit to Washington in late July, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández and Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina jointly called for a regional security initiative modeled on Plan Colombia in response to the rampant violence sweeping their countries. 
In an October 29th Congressional brie

The Hondurans that don’t migrate: Indigenous communities face death threats to defend their land

 We link to an article, published in Latin Correspondent, written by a recently returned PROAH volunteer about what is happening in Locomapa- a community in Yoro, Honduras that is struggling to protect communal lands from illegal logging and mining:…

The Hondurans that don’t migrate: Indigenous communities face death threats to defend their land

 We link to an article, published in Latin Correspondent, written by a recently returned PROAH volunteer about what is happening in Locomapa- a community in Yoro, Honduras that is struggling to protect communal lands from illegal logging and mining:…

Latin America at a Climate Crossroads

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 17 2014 (IPS) – World leaders gathered at the Climate Change Summit during the United Nations General Assembly on Sep. 23 will have a crucial opportunity to mobilise political will and advance solutions to climate change.

They will also need to address its closely connected challenges of increasing access to sustainable energy as a key tool to secure and advance gains in the social, economic and environmental realms.


The Honduras Accompaniment Project/Proyecto de Acompañamiento internacional en Honduras (PROAH) expresses its grave concern regarding the armed assault and abduction carried out against Father César Augusto Espinoza Muñoz and Father Abel Carbajal, priests of the parish of Arizona, Atlántida and three international human rights accompaniers with PROAH (Two Swiss and one French citizens).

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