Author Archives: jennya

Bolivia stands alone at Cancun

Bolivia Information Forum, Jan.2011- During the December UN climate change conference in Cancún, Mexico, Bolivia was the only country not to sign up to the final agreement. Evo Morales described the document as a ‘bad result for the people of the world’, which would result in increasing and worse natural disasters.

Accompaniment Delegation visits teachers jailed after yesterday’s protest

This morning, members of the Accompaniment delegation, responding to a request for human rights accompaniment, arrived at the police station where four teachers have been detained since yesterday. Other concerned citizens and representatives of the human rights community gathered outside of the police station this morning as well. Police, in riot gear had closed off both ends of the block.  Eventually, delegation members were granted access to the jailed teachers as well as their attorney.

Accompaniment Delegation visits teachers jailed after yesterday’s protest

This morning, members of the Accompaniment delegation, responding to a request for human rights accompaniment, arrived at the police station where four teachers have been detained since yesterday. Other concerned citizens and representatives of the human rights community gathered outside of the police station this morning as well. Police, in riot gear had closed off both ends of the block.  Eventually, delegation members were granted access to the jailed teachers as well as their attorney.

Peasant Leader escaped captors – Grateful for national and international pressure

After escaping from his captors, still physically and psychologically exhausted from the experience endured over the last 48 hours, the peasant leader of the Unified Peasant Movement of the Aguan (MUCA)and the National Popular Resistance Front (FRNP), Juan Ramón Chinchilla, agreed to an interview from an undisclosed location in Honduras.