Author Archives: jennya

Election Results Released

On Monday afternoon, the Nicaraguan Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) released its third report of results from Sunday’s presidential election. CSE President Roberto Rivas said that, with 85.8% of precincts reporting, the Sandinista Party (FSLN) and its candidate President Daniel Ortega had won with 62.65% of the votes, followed by the Independent Liberal Party (PLI) Alliance with 30.96%, and the Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC) with 6.02%. Rivas said that voter turnout had been between 75% and 80%.

COFADEH demands complete overhaul of the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Security

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 – “A complete overhaul of the Ministry of Security and the Ministry of the Attorney General is urgent,” said Bertha Oliva, Coordinator of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared of Honduras, COFADEH, as she called on the international community to suspend financial aid to these institutions, which she refers to as “death machines.”

The Honduran government tried to defend the indefensible at the IACHR

WikiLeaks Honduras: US Linked to Brutal Businessman

The Nation/Dana Frank – Since 2009, beneath the radar of the international media, the coup government ruling Honduras has been collaborating with wealthy landowners in a violent crackdown on small farmers struggling for land rights in the Aguán Valley in the northeastern region of the country. Over 46 campesinos have been killed or disappeared. Human rights groups charge that many of the killings have been perpetrated by the private army of security guards employed by Miguel Facussé, a biofuels magnate.